Plasmic sync stuck in loop

can you do ./node_modules/.bin/plasmic sync

yeah I did that and then tried again to plasmic sync

ah I meant, instead of plasmic sync use ./node_modules/.bin/plasmic sync

Ah ok! Yes it’s syncing, can see the updates reflecting on local host

okay good… yeah somehow your plasmic global command is mapped to some plasmic executable that’s not the one in your node_modules/.bin :thinking_face:

is it concerning should it be fixed?

it is just annoying to have to use ./node_modules/.bin/plasmic all the time…

can you try where plasmic

No result


what about plasmic --version


yeah it is definitely a different executable, not sure from where… :thinking_face:

so for any plasmic command, I have to go through the ./node_modules/.bin/plasmic route?


Same issue here with npm. Would be nice to have this fixed. It turned up with the latest update. Why are there 2 different versions?


it looks like we may not be detecting plasmic properly on windows… could you try running npm -g uninstall @plasmicapp/cli?

Will the push to github work correctly, considering this issue?

do you mean from the publish action? yes that’ll be fine. The issue is with your local development environment

Also have this problem on a mac but “./node_modules/.bin/plasmic sync” worked for me and plasmic sync does not.