Can't resolve module error after sync

Hi! I’m getting an unresolved module error after syncing my nextjs project after a while. Any suggestion? Error starting from PlasmicRootProvider but any other component also seems to do the same.Can't resolve '@swc/helpers/_/_class_private_field_init'

versions before sync (working):
@plasmicapp/cli”: “^0.1.248”,
@plasmicapp/host”: “^1.0.110”,
@plasmicapp/react-web”: “^0.2.224”,
@plasmicpkgs/plasmic-basic-components”: “^0.0.119”,
@plasmicpkgs/plasmic-cms”: “^0.0.159”,

after (broken):
@plasmicapp/cli”: “^0.1.322”,
@plasmicapp/host”: “^1.0.110”,
@plasmicapp/react-web”: “^0.2.296”,
@plasmicpkgs/plasmic-basic-components”: “^0.0.119”,
@plasmicpkgs/plasmic-cms”: “^0.0.159”,

latest (also not working):
@plasmicapp/cli”: “^0.1.322”,
@plasmicapp/host”: “^1.0.179”,
@plasmicapp/react-web”: “^0.2.296”,
@plasmicpkgs/plasmic-basic-components”: “^0.0.197”,
@plasmicpkgs/plasmic-cms”: “^0.0.237”,


Hi @theoretical_pig! I’ll try to reproduce, but in the meantime can you try using react-web 0.2.295? Maybe this is related to the last update to react-web, 14 hours ago. Also, maybe try removing node_modules and re-installing the packages.

@tiago thanks for the reply but the 0.2.295 and 0.2.294 are returning the same error. Also tried going back to 0.2.224 and does the same

What framework / bundler are you using? @swc/helpers had a few bad releases that caused this issue. If you’re using next, you’d have to upgrade to a later next version

Thanks, it worked after updating from nextjs 13 to 14 :+1: :party_blob: