Hello, Plasmic Team I’ve noticed that Code components are being mounted twice in production environment and that might negatively effect React app performance Is it known issue?
tested it by adding simple useEffect
into Code component:
useEffect(() => {
console.log('ShippingForm mounted');
}, []);
I would expect such behaviour in the development environment (React Strict mode) but not production.
Tech specs:
• next.js 13.5.4
• react 18.2.0
• @plasmicapp/host 1.0.172
• @plasmicapp/loader-nextjs 1.0.322
Are you seeing this even in a new create-plasmic-app? This can help us narrow down the problem.
hmm, can’t reproduce that in a new create-plasmic-app. Something wrong with our project I’ll investigate that, thank you
Hi! could you figure what was it? I seeing the same now.