"Error on loading page with Plasmic"

getting the following after updating to the latest @plasmicapp/loader-nextjs package. I am running next on the local server with preview set to true

can you share your project id


This is the log from the console

error - Error: PLASMIC: Failed to load global__9U7ERqEZvk1LTRt5kZK5i.js: Error: PLASMIC: Failed to load chunk-FOLMZQE4.js: Error: PLASMIC: Failed to load chunk-NBH4JCAK.js: TypeError: import_chunk_4W5YTUDB.ResizeObserver_es_default is not a constructor
PLASMIC: Encountered error when pre-rendering PlasmicComponent: Error: PLASMIC: Failed to load global__9U7ERqEZvk1LTRt5kZK5i.js: Error: PLASMIC: Failed to load chunk-FOLMZQE4.js: Error: PLASMIC: Failed to load chunk-NBH4JCAK.js: TypeError: import_chunk_4W5YTUDB.ResizeObserver_es_default is not a constructor
error - Error: PLASMIC: Failed to load global__9U7ERqEZvk1LTRt5kZK5i.js: Error: PLASMIC: Failed to load chunk-FOLMZQE4.js: Error: PLASMIC: Failed to load chunk-NBH4JCAK.js: TypeError: import_chunk_4W5YTUDB.ResizeObserver_es_default is not a constructor
PLASMIC: Encountered error when pre-rendering PlasmicComponent: Error: PLASMIC: Failed to load global__9U7ERqEZvk1LTRt5kZK5i.js: Error: PLASMIC: Failed to load chunk-FOLMZQE4.js: Error: PLASMIC: Failed to load chunk-NBH4JCAK.js: TypeError: import_chunk_4W5YTUDB.ResizeObserver_es_default is not a constructor
error - Error: PLASMIC: Failed to load global__9U7ERqEZvk1LTRt5kZK5i.js: Error: PLASMIC: Failed to load chunk-FOLMZQE4.js: Error: PLASMIC: Failed to load chunk-NBH4JCAK.js: TypeError: import_chunk_4W5YTUDB.ResizeObserver_es_default is not a constructor

update: I did a couple of test myself, but i had the feeling this was coming from the Antd package - i believe you guys where doing some updates which is why my forms were all f*ckd last week.
• i removed the forms and deleted the Antd package from plasmic. Error gone
• reinstalled the package: Error back.
• downgraded to the 1.0.281 version of plasmicapp/loader-nextjs, error still there.
So basically error must be coming from than antd package

thanks - we’re rolling back a server change that should fix the bundling for antd

what is the ETA?

should be within 30 minutes

will i need to update the plasmicapp loader?

no you shouldn’t need to; can you re-publish and try again?

it’s working now, but i can’t edit the form-children like i used to. It seems way more limited now

try turning off the “Simplified form” mode

ohh now we are talking :raised_hands:

If you don’t mind, can i ask you how you would go about creating asynchronous tasks on form submit?
Very simple example:
• on submit, set loading state to true
• run asynchronous task (like fetch) and wait for response
• based on result set state to either undefined or error
I tried to do this before, but await is not allowed on the code block and adding different interactions doesn’t necessarily mean they are asynchronous, so state updates will only update on second click

you can add multiple steps in an interaction (exactly as you’ve laid out there), and each step should only run after the last one has finished (even if async)

At the moment I believe you can also return a promise