Error with Plasmic component API request.

Hi @chungwu, I used to use the maybeFetchComponentData function in getServerSideProps to render the Plasmic component on the web page. But we just received an error and I’m detecting it. I’d like to ask about the log of the API request to get the component data in project ID: fH94iNFyzGrbFRZCZgJQBD. Please check for me. Time in range: 07:00 05/10 - 09:30 05/10 (GTM+0)

Hello @pioneering_hookworm. Can you tell me more about it? What was the issue that you saw?

I think maybe the FetchComponentData function is throwing an exception. I can’t view the log on my server; you can check the log in your system

How are you building your web page? I saw some 403, maybe youre missing the needed auth in you CI/CD