How to follow the TodoMVC tutorial?

I’m trying to follow the TodoMVC guide.

I get stuck at the step where <ThemeContext.Provider value={undefined}> is introduced.

None of the files in my ./components/plasmic/ folder or subfolders contain the string ThemeContext.

What am I doing wrong?

My generated files are

├── blank_project_mobile_first
│   ├── plasmic_blank_project_mobile_first.module.css
│   ├── PlasmicCustomerListItem.module.css
│   ├── PlasmicCustomerListItem.tsx
│   ├── PlasmicGlobalVariant__Screen.tsx
│   ├── PlasmicHomepage2.module.css
│   ├── PlasmicHomepage2.tsx
│   ├── PlasmicHomepage.module.css
│   └── PlasmicHomepage.tsx
└── plasmic__default_style.css

Hey Javier! Did you create a copy of the TodoMVC project and run the sync command?

No I’m trying to get it to work in my own project.

Can I expect plasmic + codegen to work with expo (react native) ?

OhI I see. You just need to worry with the context provider if you have a global variant.

Unfortunately, Plasmic doesn’t work with react native :smiling_face_with_tear:

Ok! Thanks!