Need more chart types in Plasmic.

Hello Team@Plasmic,
First off, this is a a wonderful product that you have built. I am having fun using it.

I work for an analytical company and we need to build dashbaords almost all the time. However our stack is purely Python and sometimes R with lots of complex and different charts and SQL queries.

I am trying to transition the team to JS based frontends and a python based backend serving Rest API. Needless to say it is not a popular idea among the python people. However for our simpler dashes I would like to implement Plasmic as a start. However I found only 3 types of chart. However we routinely need to use charts like Box Plots, how can I have that in Plasmic? Our team including myself, do not know any JS yet.

I have not played around with integrating this library with Plasmic specifically, but I’ve looked at tremor for this use case:

Also, given the team works mostly in python, you should check out Anvil ( as it’ll be a much easier transition.

Hey Chris, Thanks for chimming in. Tremor looks nice.

However Anvil is still python based. We intend to walk away from using python to build our dashes. So Anvils a no go, since we already have our Python workflow set up. I would like my newer team members to actually use JS for a few of our dashes.

Yes the built-in selection of charts in Plasmic is pretty slim right now, something we’re planning to build out. Thanks for the pointer to tremor!

Hello Chung, Are there ways to incorporate Ploty.Js into the Plasmic since the default ones might not be sufficient?

I’m not familiar with the library but in general, you can register React components to be used in your designs

Hey Chang, Thanks for helping out.

However just by following the web instruction, I failed to get it up and running.

I found this video, although it’s old, is this what you were talking about?