I’m having issues using Select
and Select.Option
feather components in Capybara tests with Selenium.
I’m used to the Capybara goodness of
select "option_name", from: "select_name"
or the Cypress way
What I tried so far with Capybara:
def plasmic_select_value(aria_label, option_value)
find("div[aria-label=\"#{aria_label}\"]", match: :first).click
find("div[data-key=\"#{option_value}\"]", match: :first).click
What I tried so far with Cypress:
Cypress.Commands.add("selectFirstFromDropdown", { prevSubject: true }, (subject: Cypress.Chainable<undefined>) => {
.then(($el) => {
cy.window().then((win) => {
(win.document.querySelector("[class*=\"PlasmicSelect__Option\"]") as HTMLElement).click();
Both solutions feel hacky and unstable in regards of that they have weird timing issues sometimes.
What is the idiomatic way to select an option from a Plasmic selectbox in an e2e test?