Hi, I’m new to Plasmic and I’m wondering if it’s possible to create a design in Plasmic and then edit it in React. Specifically, I’m planning to use the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js) for my project. Is it possible to create my design in Plasmic, export it as React components, and then use those components in my MERN stack project? Are there any limitations or best practices I should keep in mind when doing this?
Thanks for any help or guidance you can provide!
Also, Are there any best practices or tips for using Plasmic with the MERN stack that I should keep in mind?
For example, are there any particular challenges I should be aware of when integrating Plasmic with the MERN stack, or any specific tools or libraries that work well with Plasmic in this context? Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.