Wrapping Plasmic Components in React

Is there any way to wrap a Plasmic Component into some other React Component? Example use case is a Custom Tooltip Component to be wrapped around buttons and other stuff.

Yep! You will even find existing built-in components that do exactly this - such as the built-in tooltip component in the ant design system. Simply take any react component that takes a children prop and register it with type slot: https://docs.plasmic.app/learn/registering-code-components/

You may also be interested in publishing these components as custom behaviors, which will make them easier to attach to any existing element, so that you don’t have to explicitly first insert a tooltip and then move your children into it - you can just select your children and wrap it in a custom behavior of tooltip: https://docs.plasmic.app/learn/custom-behaviors/

We are trying our custom Tooltip component and wrap method from plasmic, but the issue is sourceCategoryIcon from the image below also has onHover listener and it creates some weird results. Is there something wrong we are doing?